R & R Centre

R&R Centre


Welcome to The Robin and Rainbow Centre 

My centre has been opened for just over a year now

I would like to dedicate this page to some dear friends of mine for making it all possible

Elsie and Ron Nayler (My Parents)
Babs and Doug
Fred and Diane
All those people who have helped and supported me in developing this wonderful centre.

As you enter the door it is full of peace and tranquillity.
It is a place to come and learn to be at peace with yourself.

To gain a better understanding of the work I do.

I run 3 development circles each week.

Monday night 
Closed Circle 

This is for people who have a greater understanding of communication and have been developing for a number of years.
Closed meaning to those who attended each week.
We work with

  • Trance
  • Mediumship
  • Healing
  • Meditation
  • Physical Mediumship

Tuesday 2:00 till 4:00 

Open Circle 
This is open for people to join me and to develop their own Mediumship with my help and guidance.

Tuesday evening 7:30 till 9:30

Open circle 
This is for people to develop and gain a greater understanding  of mediumship

At these groups we start with a meditation followed by a discussion on what you
experienced. We would move on to various exercises using equipment and your own skills.

The Centre 

I run workshops
10:30 to 4:30
These are planned throughout the year on different subjects.

£45.00 for the day bring a packed lunch.

Private readings 


All my readings are carried out in the centre.
These are recorded onto a cd for you to take away and listen to in your own time.

A reading can be a very emotional time therefore the disc is there for your own record of what
took place.

Reading last for 30:00 mins
With time after to talk to me and ask a couple of questions.

Group Readings 

I will come to your own home
I bring all my recording equipment
The host will be expected to supply
a quiet room for me to work in.
6 or more people for readings

Refreshments for the guests

£20:00 per person 15:00 mins each reading.


To employ me to work for you with an audience

Price to be arranged

The Copper Pyramid

The pyramid effect is an interesting and mysterious phenomenon.

To meditation and using pyramid energies is a powerful combination.
Pyramid energy puts your mind much easier into a deep relaxative alpha/theta state.

My pyramid is built with the sacred geometry ratio of the Great Pyramids of Giza.It is a powerful personal tool for achieving deep meditative states and accelerating healing on the spiritual ,the mental , and the spiritual levels.

The sovereign energy of the pyramid is unique and powerful as the energy within the healing meditation pyramid bounces from the equal sides of its edges and collects in the centre . The top of the pyramid keeps the energy intact acting as a conduit which spreads the energy downwards. Also Copper is a self healing metal and has long been used especially for arthritis and rheumatism.
Copper has also been used with blood and metabolism disorders.

Pyramid Therapy

In Pyramid Therapy no medical diagnosis is required to initiate the healing process.
Pyramid power detoxifies, repairs imperfections of the energy flow in the body, and brings cells and tissues back to their healthy state.

The Pyramid therapy is powerful and in the same time non-invasive.
Undergoing pyramid healing means simply sitting inside the pyramid and relax….The pyramid does the rest.
